Exploring the Fire Service

The Science

Fire scienceScience and research is for me to always strive forward – to look ahead and to seek knowledge, sometimes for the sake of knowledge itself. I need to know!

One can say that science, and doing research, is a methodology to collect, structure, analyse and to work with data gained through various kinds of observations. But it’s more than just collect and analyse data: it’s about creating something new beyond existing knowledge.

The main focus in my research can be said to be firefighting tactics – i.e. how to use resources and knowledge in the best possible way to fight fires and to tuggle other accidents and emergencies. To do this I have spent some time to look into fire suppression as well as fire ventilation and I have looked at how such methods can be used together to get as got results as possible from a fire fighting operations. Consequently, I have looked into problems of command and control also.